Friday, July 29, 2016

Cry Havoc! The Crooked Road to Civil War….1861….

Nelson D. Lankford is a native of Richmond, and a brilliant historian
of the Civil War….
many facts and also a timeline of events that show Northern extremists wanted
war above all…..
1776----1865…..Founding Fathers era….
1865---1929…Gilded Age…..
1929----2016…..FDR new era of communism and global capitalism….merging since 1945 in to
the Left Wing capitalism we have today…..multicultural=communism…global free markets=capitalism….
Only 2 options left…
1)  Submit to global communism, led by a jewish elite of racists and financiers….
2)  Western countries…..move toward and establish a new form of fascism and National Socialism….leading to an Imperium Europae….

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