Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Drug Buyers at The Yards, Union Station....

these 2 bought meth at apt 212.....
witnessed by myself and my camera...

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Urban Scene...

urban composition...
rule of thirds...
major city...no people cluttering the scene....
a train track with no trains..
an old factory with no employees..
an old water tower with no water..

German Film from 1933---45...

an informative, but biased book..a popular, not scholarly work...
but worth reading....

Cool Moon.....

my favorite ice cream....

2 of my favorite writers.....


Friday, July 20, 2018

Conservatism & a Bier.....

Roger Scruton rules...

Breakfast & Lunch....

Food for thought...
Americans are idiots...
they do not read books, as they are fondling their dumb phones....

Portland A Cesspool.....Daryl Turner for Mayor!!!!

the below article is from a retired police officer and describes
what is going on in Portland.....people decide to break the law, if they see an advantage to do so...

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Degenerate Sex Plain view..The Yards Apts...Naito Pkwy......

a couple on the roof
engaged in degenerate sex......
oral copulation in view of families & children.....
The Yards Apts are a drug filled apt complex.....
meth heads, crack heads, smack heads...they should be in work camps.....

Monday, July 2, 2018

Middletown USA....All-America City...1960...George C. Crout.....

George C Crout was the Principal when i was at Mayfield elementary, in Kindergarten & 1st Grade...
my grandmother worked in cafeteria, & had the greatest respect for him.....
he was wonderful with us kids.....
When America Was Great......

Edgar Allan Poe A High Priest of the Beautiful.....1930..

Elisabeth Elliott Poe(1888--1947) & Vylla Poe Wilson..(1883--1969).....
both were 3rd cousins of Edgar Allan Poe....
this is signed copy by both authors
of a very rare book.....
in excellant condition......