Thursday, June 28, 2018

Oyster Bar...

Clam Sandwich.....

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Oval Portrait.....

Edgar Allan Poe....1842.....

Sunday, June 24, 2018


with friends.......
The New Criterion......the finest magazine in country...
TS Eliot's old magazine......

Friday, June 22, 2018


The Politics of Cultural Despair....
The 19th Century Foundations of the Conservative Revolution....

Dan & Louis Oyster Bar....Since 1907....

the Old Portland in OldTown...
it is surrounded by a homeless population, growth which benefits the financial elites
but the old buildings of Portland take me back 100 years, Portland was a healthier city in 1918...
before the madness of multicultural diversity PC communism......
One day we will put an end to this & the cadres that are destroying our Great Country & City...

Oyster Bar.....

a great place for lunch.....
i had a fish sandwich with fries.....

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Hiking stick
Hiking Hat..
Hiking Bag.....

Merchant Hotel...1880...

Old West Saloon......

Star Theatre....1911......

Old School Portland......

Letter Box.....US Mail....

Old School......
every floor in building can put a letter in the shoot....

Monday, June 18, 2018

Sisters of Road...Portland....Homeless Freeloader Zoo...

everytime i walk past this cess pit
there is a physical threat ongoing......
defund these do nothing agencies
and put these losers in Work Camps.....

Pay to Park....but homeless can shit on sidewalks for Free...

these savages follow no rules...
funded by taxpayers..
cut their $$$$ off!!!!!!!

Meth Dealer....Union Station....

has consistently sold Meth for last 2 years...
Union Station......
typical of freeloaders in Portland..
living off tax-payer programs.....
look at the face on this freak of human nature....
Work Camps would be to kind for this savage....

Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Shoah Haux.......Portland Oregon.....

the only victims of WW2 were the German People......
'Nuremberg  or the Promised Land....1948......Maurice Bardeche......
"Nuremberg ou la Terre Promise', Paris   1948...
please read this brilliant book...
a handful of industrial workers, some jewish , died, because of Allied bombing...approx 60,000
the 6,000,000 Big Lie.....

America....The Gay Disco.......

the goal of this organized Leftist agenda is to destroy the White family.......
We are now in the Weimar Republic....
and it will meet the same end......

Monday, June 4, 2018

Portland.....the city of trash....

human and plastic.....
the city has signed its death warrant by passing new taxes on business
to pay for the street freeloader class....
when they find that isn't enough..
they will go for homeowners......
the Democratic Party one party city...
run by a brainwashed population.....

Post-Modern Portland

coffin size condos.......
brainwashed population.....
leftist clowns......
glbt everything.......
One day a natural disaster will take this city to bottom of Pacific Ocean...
9.2 Earthquake......The Big un.....
a fitting end to the new Sodom & Gomorrah......

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Centennial Mills.....

another victim of progress.....
Portland has lost its mind......
a one party dictatorship of regressive Leftists...