Friday, March 31, 2017

President of United States & Commander in Chief......

President Donald Trump is expressing the interests of working class Americans,
in opposition to Globalists, who seek to destroy sovereignty of America...
President Trump is a Civic Nationalist uniting all Americans behind slogan of...
'Making America Great Again!'

the opposition in traitorous Democratic Party spent $2 Billion & still lost with their
corrupt candidate.....they are cultural marxists & communists & side w/ radical jihadi
muslims.....who seek to promote terror attacks on America....

President Trump will eventually arrest obama & the clintons and have them charged w/ treason...
Our economy will be restored & manufacturing brought back to our great country....

Donald Trump shocked the globalists w/ his major victory over evil, corruption & pedophilia in
the power elite & hollywood.....Donald Trump is the first stage of the Nationalist Revolution....
the left has lost the initiative & will never regain it..
the 2nd Stage of the Trump Nationalist Revolution will be the complete destruction of the left...using coercive state power...
the 3rd and final phase will be one of Consolidation of Power of the new system...

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Kill Whitey! poster in SW Portland....

typical anti-white racism in Portland.....
i destroyed 3 other communist posters in area....
on one, which listed police officer's home address, i called police..
Support Our Police..

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Black Male assaulting White Woman at Union Station.....

this is the type of assault which goes on daily..
the city & police ignore..
it is not PC to tell public
black men commit a crime rate at much higher rate per capita than
any other race..
my advice is to conceal carry...
& always go
double tap and head shot....

Tuesday, March 7, 2017