Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Violent and Portland ......

this street poster in Portland OR indicates what the left thinks on violence..
those that disagree w/ these communists, get the above..
the left is losing the war, the relationship of forces has shifted to the center/right...
the left includes...liberals....socialists, communist & leads to the other...
it is fun to see the left lose.....

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Glorius RailRoad Past.....

Rail travel was the most aristocratic way of travel..
time was of no essence....
America should invest in nationwide High Speed Rail project....
Canada too.....North America.....
i admire the Canadians, they evolved in a much higher and cultured way...
they have a national health service, public support of the Arts....
America is  business racket, of un-cultured  fools....

Industrial Detritus......