Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Train Rust…..

'Beauty, is the sole business of poetry'……Robinson Jeffers….

A Spectre is Haunting Europe & North America...

the Spectre of European Revolution…
the names on this wall of our library have built 90% of  world culture…
the best culture in History…..
We will not let them be erased from History..
or our people…
Stay tuned for more on..
European Revolution…..

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Saturday, April 23, 2016

In Memory…SJM…1959----2015….

the empty seat….
never forgotten…always loved….

Trump!!! 2016!!! South Park Blocks!!!

a direct slap in face of multicultural, pc student far left..

Friday, April 22, 2016

John's Cafe...

best working class breakfast Cafe left in Portland..
no yuppies…great food….no lefties…..
great view of street people & bums..
these seem to scare off yuppies….

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Mercy Corps….

bringing 3rd world immigrant savages to NorthWest..
we dont want or need these average IQ of 85 people in our midst
creating more crime and chaos..
The NorthWest should be European..Forever….
& we will fight to keep it so…..

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Far Left Communists try to shut down Free Speech at PSU….

far left at PSU…attempts to shut down free speech..
since their arguments make no sense…they resort to violence…
communism has killed 110,000,000. people since 1917…
Europe and North America are under concerted attack by subversion by the Left…

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Trash on City Property…Old Fire House….

anytime of day, transients lurk on city property, stealing from these containers…
in a city run by liberals, the criminals run the show….

Needles & drug paraphernalia...

in front of Sisters of the Road Cafe….

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Vandals on city property…Old Fire Station...

these vandals were stealing property in truck beds parked on city property…
at night they slip onto our apartments property & steal from us…
jail these street hoodlums...

Drug Thugs Union Station….

spill over into private property…
using Heroin & crack…
one lives in the Section 8 on Naito Pkwy….

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Empty Light Rail car..

the best kind..with no people..
most subhumans take light rail..
making it a menace for law abiding folk...

CSA Forever….

the US Army used scorched earth tactics against civilians in Civil War
& WW2…..note they were committed against whites..
that means the US Government had been subverted by 'culture destroyers'….
& has been ever since...

A Beautiful sight….

a train car with no ethnic graffiti….
as the NorthWest fills up with unwanted 3rd worlders..
the lowest section of Europeans adopt their decadent lifestyles..
one day our People will Awaken and set things right….

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Oswald Spengler….

we are well beyond this era today…
today our European Men will fight, relying on the Call of the Blood….

George Lincoln Rockwell..

White Power…1966…

March of the Titans….A History of the White Race….

Arthur Kemp…2006..

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Monday, April 4, 2016

Beautiful streets w/ no people...

Hell is other people….


Homeless & their trash...

a typical city trash can that
was raided by homeless and left
as is….

Homeless Camp…Naito Pkwy...

the cost of the homeless in Portland
is in the millions….for people who are willfully non productive..
deport them all to LA...

Stolen Bike…Old Steel….

Friday, April 1, 2016

Black Lies Matter….

Sisters of the road….
a disgrace to our city…
a violent, terrorist group gets tax payer money
to propagate their extremist ideology
& hatred of police and whites…
the photo of the guy on right side advocated violence..
so members of a muslim group came in at his speech
& gunned this man down…
6th & Davis….i predict, will be a hot spot this summer
& 1 May….
the city tries to ignore these developments
as i have tried to call them & warn them of these extreme, racist groups…
like black lies matter…
foto by slacker….