Monday, November 23, 2015

Drug deal at Union Station….

these 3 thugs operate freely at Union Station…
they threaten passers-by
and have no respect for others…
fotos by slacker...

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Train Rust...

foto by slacker….

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Black Lies Matter….

black lies matter is a terrorist organization..
they have called for the murder of police..
they are racist & violent…
we do not want you in the NorthWest…
foto by slacker...

Mexican bike thief on Tri-Met….

foto by slacker….

Vandalism in OldTown….

against a small business….foto by slacker...

Saturday, November 14, 2015


foto by slacker….

Black thug at Union Station….

one can always tell..
always looking behind them and to the side..
scanning the environment…..
send them all to work camps….
foto by slacker….

Train Rust...

foto by slacker….

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Empty…Desolate Urban Space…..

i love to find urban space with few,if any people…
foto by slacker….

photo by slacker….

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Resurrection of Aristocracy…..

Rudolph Carlyle Evans…1988…
the time is now……
foto by slacker...

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Friday, November 6, 2015


fotos by slacker….

Ezra Pound & bacon n eggs…..

foto by slacker….

Old Steel Bridge…..

a beautiful sight..
foto by slacker….

Portland BT-1000 Series…..

not very smart…..average IQ 85….
this is what happens when the democratic mob takes over…
Democracy and Equality are myths used by neo-liberals to enslave us..
foto by slacker

Portland Seamen's Bethel….1881...

remade as the Society Hostel..
they saved all historic items and they are on display inside…
fotos by slacker...

Train Rust….

foto by slacker….

Another Historic building destroyed…..

another historic building destroyed by greed and progress…
fotos by slacker...

Islam Sucks…..

working class train riders understand more than
our overpaid intellectual leftists at university…
one day these haters of Europeans will be in work camps…..
fotos by slacker...


fotos by slacker….