Saturday, February 27, 2016

Loud Mob of Negros at Union Station Walk Bridge….

police came….rang siren and left..
afraid to confront this mob….
this is what has happened to Portland….
when citizens get threatened….

Homeless trash thrown on sidewalk….

PSU=Portland Socialist Union….

a public funded university supporting communism….
PSU is a communist brainwashing institution for the young…
This Blogg Bites Back…..

Destruction of our Heritage….

city council and mayor should be arrested..


Natural Rust…..

is more beautiful than ugly ghetto graffiti….


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Drug Dealer..OldTown/Chinatown….

on 5th and Davis..NW
this clown approached me and
tried to sell me drugs..
he followed me for 3 blocks…
i took his photo
and then he got angry and approached me
in aggressive manner..
i produced Pepper Gas & he backed off..
i saw 2 Clean n Safe Officers
and gave them info and photo…
this man is dangerous..…

be safe out there…
he looks like a fed to me…lol

My Bible...

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Car on Sidewalk….

Old Steel…..

Bacon n Eggs and Ken Kesey….

Kesey wrote 2 of the finest novels in American literature…
1962 & 1964….
then he lost his mind on drugs and the counter-culture….
 Jack Kerouac was ashamed of him
and didnt want to be around him…

Homeless & their trash...

is left throughout areas they squat in..
this is by the Old Steel illegal encampment….
put them all in work camps or military….

Sunday, February 21, 2016


1912 Benson Bubbler nonbubbling...

Mr Benson would not be impressed by the political riffraff
at City Hall these days..
they can help the street riffraff
but cannot keep Mr Benson's Bubblers Bubbling….
one of greatest gifts that a city businessman gave to future generations….
the politicians cannot keep them running
and the street riffraff use them to take a bath in/on..
the city infrastructure in Portland is slowly collapsing….

Street with no people….

a beautiful sight…
no one around….

Friday, February 19, 2016

Monday, February 15, 2016

Crack Heads huffing at Union Station on private property….

i photoed them and they took off
they were on my apt property…not public property…
work camps for them…10 years….

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Oregon Beavers…..


Burlington Northern RR Bridge….1908…..

Triumph of the Underman….

Lothrop Stoddard…1923….The Revolt Against Civilization….1923…
these a-social deviants are everywhere in Portland..
the Left promotes this type of loser….

Protocols of Elders of Zion…..

a factual book….

Well Heeled Wenches….

Thug who verbally assaulted me inside McD's...

the left in portland has enabled the triumph
of this type of loser….a mass loser…seen daily
in our streets….

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Rust and No Graffiti...

a beautiful sight…...

Reading at breakfast….

this city is intolerable during winter..
so many very hostile & criminal transient's
all over the place
one never feels safe or comfortable walking the city…..
Portland is a failed city…..

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

vandals cut seat on TriMet….

whoever did this needs to be in a work camp….