Friday, January 29, 2016

Apartments close gates

as homeless criminals have residents afraid..
homeless criminals have stripped copper wire from buildings..
threatened residents
and openly deal drugs….
amanda fritz needs to be impeached and tarred and feathered….

Drug Dealers…6th & Glisan NW…..

on the TriMet line…..
this has gone on for years..
since it is in the cities 'historic black district'
the city turns their head..

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

the trash homeless leave everywhere...

im sick of these people…
put them in work camps….

Patriots held in this jail in Portland….

these hypocrites have gall to quote
George Washington…..
no worries…the second american civil war is on the way….

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Homeless camp…Old Steel…portland

this camp has been there for last 3 months..
the city leaders refuse to do anything..
these so called homeless come down at night
and steal from apartments on Naito..
they break into our cars….steal bicycles..
threaten us and sell drugs…
it is time to set up a neighborhood defense team..

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Negro pimp & white whore…Union Station...

this area is loaded with drugs….whores and ethnic crime…
when i walked by the pimp was slapping her in head and yelling 'i need to get a fishing
pole and put a hook on end to teach you how to do your job'…
the whore looked drug addled….

Sunday, January 10, 2016


always keep learning…
i learned one thing at university…Keep reading...

Saturday, January 9, 2016

...Grace Wick…1888-1958…Portland….

Far Right activist….unconventional and brilliant….

German ship Emden..1936..Portland...

The Spirit of the Third Reich lives in every European….

Governor Building...

HQ of KKK in 1920s….

Gypsy's deported from Portland...

one of best things done..
this is a precedent for the future..

Waddle's Restaurant…1946---2004.White Trade Only...

Portland in a more rational time….
we call for segregation and then deportation in 2015..
Long live the Spirit of European Portland!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Ice Water...

Bensen Bubbler on Ice..
fotos by slacker….

Friday, January 1, 2016

Nordic Night…..

foto by slacker….